Friday, October 4, 2019

ECommerce Course Work Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

ECommerce Course Work - Case Study Example In this report I will access and analyze the security issues and concerns regarding the online Globetrotting Hotels system. I will discuss about the handling of the customers’ personal information and payment details on the online web. Then I will also talk about the installation of the better facilities for the customers like customer care services, physical security, online information preservation, etc. Harry Smith has planned to present the matchless group of the local self-governing hotels. These local self-regulating hotels will be combined through the worldwide chain and will proffer very friendly high quality services and local knowledge. Here in this global chain of the globetrotter will be very useful and effective through the implementation of one-stop web site. This website will be a common platform where the customers are able to fine deeper and wider information regarding the online world wide hotels chain. This also facilitates the Globetrotting for the effective management and customer services.1 In this section I will talk about the better e-payment system that will facilitate the effective online business management of the Globetrotting Hotels system. The main reasons behind this idea is to critically analyze, compare and contrast the different ways of the e-payment systems and choose a better way for the Globetrotting Hotels system. This system should have the potential of assessing more enhanced and fraud less online payment services. The first type that is mostly used for the e-payments is the credit card payment system. Through this system we will ask the credit card number and payment details from the customer for the online transaction. This information will be used for the online transaction. This method of the online payment is very useful, but in earlier few years we have seen massive number of online credit card frauds. For this reason most of the people hesitate to carry out an online transaction (e-payment, 2008). In our

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